The Great Outdoors (UK)



Want to avoid being avalanched? Yes, of course you do. The Scottish Avalanche Informatio­n Service (SAIS) has a planning tool that helps us make good decisions both before and during your mountain journey. It’s called the Be Avalanche Aware process (or BAA for short).

It starts with the understand­ing that three factors need to be considered when planning a day in the hills: the conditions, your party, and the terrain that you journey through. The process is then broken down into three phases, where all three factors are considered.

At home

This is when most avalanche avoidance takes place. Gather informatio­n about the conditions and terrain, factor in the needs and experience of your group, and make a plan. The next article goes into more depth on this.

On the journey

Whilst on the hill, keep an eye on conditions, and look out for clues about possible avalanche activity. The SAIS website has lots of informatio­n about how to spot these.

Key places

These are the points at which critical decisions are made. When leaving the car park, or at the foot or top of a slope for example. Some of these can be identified in advance and group discussion encouraged.

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