The Handle

Cheese Soufflé

— Starter by Executive Chef Richard Davies, Calcot & Spa



Makes 4 portions

30g butter, plus extra for greasing ramekins

25g Parmesan, finely grated

30g plain flour 300ml milk

2 tsp English mustard dash of pepper

75g strong Cheddar salt, to taste

4 large free-range eggs, separated


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C with a baking tray inside to heat it up. 2. Generously butter four ramekins/dariole dishes. Divide 2 tbsp of the Parmesan between the ramekins and shake them to get the cheese to stick to the butter. Tip out any excess.

3. Melt the 30g of butter in a heavy based medium pan over a low heat, then sprinkle in the flour. Mix well to form a thick paste. Cook for 1 minute until the paste starts to smell nutty, then add the milk, a splash at a time, stirring continuous­ly, to make a smooth, thick white sauce.

4. Stir in the mustard, a dash of pepper, the remaining Parmesan and the Cheddar cheese. Stir briefly to melt the cheeses, season generously with salt, then remove from the heat and set aside. 5. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl, and stir in the egg yolks.

6. Put the egg whites in a clean metal or glass bowl. Whisk with an electric whisk until stiff peaks form.

7. Add a dollop of the egg whites into the cheese sauce and give it a stir. This loosens the sauce and makes it easier to incorporat­e the rest of the egg whites without losing too much air.

8. Add the remaining egg whites and, using the side of a large spoon or spatula, carefully fold into the bowl. Divide between the ramekins, so each is about threequart­ers full.

9. Using the tip of a cutlery knife, swipe around the insides of the ramekins. Transfer to the oven on the heated baking tray. When ready (approx. 12 minutes; but don't open the oven door to check on them before this time), give them a gentle nudge and if they wobble about too much they need a little more time. Once you're happy they're cooked, switch off the oven and open the oven door slightly, leaving the soufflé inside the oven for a further 20–30 minutes until ready to serve.

Preparatio­n time: 25 minutes Cooking time: 1 hour

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