The Herald

NHS Glasgow leads fight against dementia


SCOTLAND’S largest health board has been named as the best in the UK for the diagnosis and early treatment of dementia.

An independen­t “UK dementia map” complied by The Alzheimer’s Society showed that people in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) area are being diagnosed and treated for dementia faster than anywhere else in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The health board has two Alzheimer Scotland dementia nurses working in the area and it also employs dementia “champions” to work with colleagues to improve understand­ing of the condition and care for those affected by it.

Nhsggcasso­ciate Medical Director for Old Age Psychiatry Dr Graham Jackson said: “These inde- pendent findings show that our rigorous management of community dementia services throughout the health board area is paying real dividends for our patients.

“Early diagnosis is essential. Whist we cannot reverse the ef fects of dementia, there are medication­s which, if started early enough, can slow down the developmen­t of symptoms so people can maintain their quality of life for longer and have a say in their future care and treatment.”

NHSGGC’S performanc­e was assessed on the percentage of predicted dementia sufferers to have been diagnosed in the population served by the health board.

Dr Jackson added: “In primary care and in mental health teams across the board we have been raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of dementia in the population so that people can speak to their GP as soon as they have concerns and, where appropriat­e, begin treatment.”

Henry Simmons, chief executive of Alzheimer Scotland, said: “We still have a long way to go to make sure that no-one has to face dementia on their own, but NHSGGC are clearly moving in the right direction.”

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