The Herald

US student dies at party on Shetland


AN American classical studies student has died at a bonfire beach party on Shetland that went wrong.

Nineteen-year-old Evan Dube from Plaistow, New Hampshire, died after going into icy water for a swim.

Northern Constabula­ry said the student of Bates College, Lewiston, Maine appeared to have collapsed after coming out the water at around 9pm on Saturday a t West Vo e beach, Sumburgh.

Police say there do not appear to be any suspicious circumstan­ces surroundin­g the incident, describing it as a “sudden death”. A report is to be submitted to the proscurato­r-fiscal.

Evan had been with a g roup of fellow Bates College students at a beach barbecue when he decided to go for the swim.

After he collapsed, his friends attempted to resuscitat­e him and called emergency services. He was then airlifted to the Gilbert Bain Hospital in Lerwick but attempts to revive him were unsuccessf­ul.

Bates College said: “Bates College has been shaken and deeply saddened to learn that first-year student Evan Dube died on Saturday night.”

Evan’s fellow students in Scotland are receiving grief counsellin­g and will return to Boston on tomorrow.

The students were participat­ing in the Shetland Islands Cl i mate and Settlement Project, an ongoing archaeolog­ical research project funded by the National Science Foundation

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 ??  ?? EVAN DUBE: Collapsed after coming out of the water.
EVAN DUBE: Collapsed after coming out of the water.

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