The Herald

Death sparks fresh anger over release about decision to free Libyan, who succumbed surrounded by his family

Demise rekindles criticism from bereaved relatives and US politician­s


THERE was fresh anger about the release of the man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing from US politician­s and bereaved relatives as they responded to news of his death in Libya with criticism of the “compassion­ate” Scots justice system that allowed Megrahi the peaceful death at home his victims were denied.

The White House said his death would not end the quest for justice for the families of the 270 people killed when the Pan Am airliner was blown up over Scotland in 1988.

“Megrahi’s death concludes an unfortunat­e chapter following his release from prison in 2009 on medical grounds – a move we strongly opposed,” said White House national security council spokesman Tommy Vietor.

His release on compassion­ate grounds by the Scottish Government infuriated families of the dead, 189 of whom were American, and drew sharp criticism from Washington after Megrahi arrived home in Libya to a hero’s welcome.

“We want to see justice for the victims of the Lockerbie bombing and their families. We will continue working with our new partners in Libya toward a full accounting of [Muammar] Gaddafi’s horrific acts,” Vietor said.

Meanwhile, US Senator Charles Schumer lambasted the Scottish Government’s decision to free Megrahi in what he said “smelled of a deal for oil”.

Mr Schumer, a New York Democrat, said: “Both the Scottish and British government­s have not been forthcomin­g. The whole deal smelled of a deal for oil for this man’s freedom and that was almost blasphemy given what a horrible person he was and the terrible destructio­n and tragedy that he caused. I don’t know if we’ll ever get to the bottom of it now.”

A number of passengers who lost their lives when Pan Am flight 103 were New York residents, bound for the city’s JFK airport.

Mr Schumer added: “This man was a horrible man, Megrahi. It would have been better had he not died in freedom, had he died in prison. That’s what he deserved and I still believe the Scottish Government, perhaps with the participat­ion of the British Government, created a major injustice when they let him out.”

US families and politician­s were among the most vocal critics of Megrahi’s release, a move branded a mistake by President Barack Obama and absolutely wrong by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg, who pushed for legislatio­n to ensure compensati­on from Libya for the families of Lockerbie victims – 38 of whom had lived in his state – said Megrahi should never have been released from prison.

He said: “Abdelbaset al Megrahi died with American blood on his hands and will always be remembered as a murderer. His death may bring some level of closure to the families of the victims but his misdeeds will never be forgotten and our pursuit of justice will continue.”

Susan Cohen, whose 20-yearold daughter Theodora was killed in the bombing, said she believed Megrahi should have received the death penalty.

Mrs Cohen, 74, from New Jersey, said: “He died with his family around him. My daughter died a horrible death when she was 20 years old with her full life ahead of her. You call that justice?

“I feel no pity for Megrahi. I believe he should have died a lot sooner. He should have been tried in the States and given the death penalty. Watching him be released from prison was very painful for me.”

Theodora was a student at New York’s Syracuse University and had spent a term in London pursuing her dream of being an actress. She was flying home for Christmas when the Pan Am jet exploded.

Mrs Cohen said she was haunted by the loss of her daughter and the lingering questions about how the bombing happened and who was involved, though she said she rejects the “conspiracy theories” that claim Megrahi was innocent.

She said: “I think this was to

He died with his family around him. My daughter died a horrible death when she was 20 with her full life ahead of her

do with deals in the dust and it is despicable. We cannot let Megrahi’s death stand in the way of the Scottish and American government finding out who else was involved in the bombings and the specifics of how it was done.”

She added: “There is no peace when you lose a child. You hear about closure but there is none. It will never get easier, it changes everything.

“I detest Megrahi, he was monstrous, and I hope his death was extremely painful and horrible. That would help, but it wasn’t just him that was responsibl­e. I felt happy when Colonel Gaddafi died but I can’t feel happy now.”

Eileen Monetti, also from New Jersey, lost her 20-year-old son Rick in the bombing. She said she could not celebrate Megrahi’s death.

“When I first heard I had to ask ‘are you sure?’ because there have been so many reports of his imminent death before,” she said. “He now has to face his God and deal with judgment whatever it is. I’m in no position to judge but I do feel that it isn’t going to change my life that much, I mean he already did a lot of changing to my life.

“I was surprised, but I’m not jumping up and down. I don’t celebrate any death.”

Mrs Monetti added that she felt at the campaigns against Megrahi’s conviction.

She said: “I was very angry when he was released back to Libya and campaigns against his conviction grew.

“Certainly campaigns for his innocence have added to the stress that families have been under already.

“My husband and I followed Megrahi’s trial closely and we believed that he was guilty, so how and why others do not, I have no idea.

“I think conspiracy theorists love to just keep the conspiracy alive – they are still doing it with JFK over here – and that’s unfortunat­e for the families who lost loved ones in Lockerbie.”

 ?? Main picture: Julie Howden ?? FAMILY ALBUM: Megrahi’s wife Asha with a picture of her husband; grieving brother Mohamed at the family villa in Tripoli, top, where Megrahi was tended by daughter Ghada, centre; and the family inscotland.
Main picture: Julie Howden FAMILY ALBUM: Megrahi’s wife Asha with a picture of her husband; grieving brother Mohamed at the family villa in Tripoli, top, where Megrahi was tended by daughter Ghada, centre; and the family inscotland.
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 ??  ?? JUSTICE: Tommy Vietor.
JUSTICE: Tommy Vietor.
 ??  ?? BLASPHEMY: Charles Schumer.
BLASPHEMY: Charles Schumer.
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