The Herald

Robertson under fire over brief backing Nato U-turn


A BRIEF to parliament­ary colleagues by SNP defence spokesman Angus Robertson justifying his proposal that Scotland should remain in Nato has come under heavy fire from the party’s CND wing.

They claim inaccuraci­es and omissions in the brief mean his case falls apart, particular­ly in relation to the Arctic, where they say Nato is divided and has no united policy.

Mr Robertson says the party should switch from a policy of joining Nato sub-group Partnershi­p for Peace (PfP) and remain in Nato, subject to a deal that Trident is removed from the Clyde.

Mr Robertson travelled in Norway, Denmark, Iceland and other countries, taking soundings from ministers, parliamen- tarians and defence experts before drafting his new policy.

He writes in his briefing paper, circulated ahead of the debate in a fortnight: “Scotland’s geostrateg­ic interests in northern Europe are shared by our North Sea neighbours, all of whom are in Nato. At present our security arrangemen­ts, including air and sea defence and patrolling are through Nato.

“Regional challenges are urgently set to grow with environmen­tal changes in the High North and Arctic. In short, we need to work with our North Sea Nato neighbours more than ever.”

A rival briefing paper from SNP CND points out that the Arctic Council, not Nato, is the recognised body responsibl­e for security in the “High North” and as a result of splits within Nato – with Canada disagreein­g with both the US and Norway on their approach – the Arctic does not feature in current strategy.

Bill Ramsay of SNP CND said: “While not questionin­g the sincerity of Angus Robertson’s opposition to nuclear weapons, the more you examine his justificat­ion for a Nato U-turn, the more the case falls apart.

“His briefing paper is full of inaccuraci­es, omissions and a misunderst­anding of geo-politics, especially in relation to the Arctic. The world is looking to Scotland. We deserve a wellinform­ed and considered security and foreign policy, not this.”

Mr Robertson is accused of referring to “North Sea” Nato members without acknowledg­ing that Finland and Sweden are PfP members not in Nato.

Mr Robertson said: “I am looking forward to a quality debate on the SNP’s defence policy update at conference – including reaffirmin­g our long-standing commitment­toget rid of Trident. I know from speaking to members of other parties that they are jealous of a party which still takes major issues to conference ”

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