The Herald

Elephant keepers arrested


THREE zoo workers have been arrested on suspicion of causing unnecessar­y suffering to an elephant.

Leicesters­hire Police said threemenha­d been arrested and questioned in connection with the mistreatme­nt of an elephant at Twycross Zoo in Leicesters­hire.

The men were released on police bail, pending further inquiries, she added.

Leicesters­hire Police said: “We are currently carrying out an investigat­ion in connection with the unnecessar­y suffering to an elephant at Twycross Zoo.

“The offence happened in September 2012.”

Twycross Zoo said three members of staff had been dismissed following discovery of their alleged mistreatme­nt of elephants in their care. A statement added that everyone at the zoo was extremely upset by the incident. COMICbook writer Grant Morrison displays hisMBEfor services to film and literature.

The 52-year-old Scot is famous for his Batman graphic novelArkha­m Asylum.

After receiving his medal from the Prince of Wales, Morrison, who splits his time between Glasgowand Los Angeles, said: “He askedmeabo­ut comics, and said he used to like reading the Eagle in the 1950s. I would like to think the award is for thework I’ve been doing in America. It’s mostly British peoplewho have changed the complexion of American comics, which has influenced themovies and television.”

His late father, Walter, also received an MBE, in 1998, for communityw­ork. Picture: Sean Dempsey/PA

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