The Herald

Fact-finding trip to Brazil as free trade deal looms


of the EU to unrestrict­ed South American beef imports willmeana €7.75 billion hit for EU producers, leading to a dramatic shift in trade. The trip will generate credible evidence of the real world issues which need to be addressed in the talks in order to ensure fairness and maintain high standards.

MrSmith said: “Oncewe get Common Agricultur­al Policy reform past us, the biggest single issue is the Mercosur [South American trading bloc] trade deal, so this trip will be vital in seeing exactly what the reality is on the ground.

“I’m all for free trade, but not at any cost and it is vital we maintain our own indigenous food production infrastruc­ture. Food security is a vital part of our national security and we cannot allow ourselves to become dependent upon foreign imports. Europe’s farmers have, rightly, to meet high standards of animal welfare and our citizens demand that imports meet the same high standards.

“I go with an open mind. I will be keeping my eyes and ears open throughout the tour and I’ll be documentin­gwhat I see and hear to present to the European Commission so that their talks with the Mercosur trade bloc are as informed as possible.” Ameeting has been organised by the South West Scotland Deer Management Group in associatio­n with the Lowland Deer Network Scotland (LDNS) to bring deer managers, farmers and anyone with deer on their ground up to speed withGovern­mentpolicy, the latest legislatio­n andwhat is in the pipeline.

The event is at Kenbridge Hotel, New Galloway, Castle Douglas on Thursday, November 8, at 7pm. Keynote speaker is Richard Cooke, acting chairman of the LDNS, and chairmanof the associatio­n of deer management groups.

Members of Scottish National Heritage, Forestry Commission Scotland and the SW Scotland Deer Management Group will be in attendance to answer questions.

Mr Cooke said: “Under new legislatio­n, anyone who has deer on their ground has a duty to manage them responsibl­y. This means the onus of deer management has also beenplaced­fairlyands­quarely on the shoulders of farmers, forestry companies, the local authority, developers and so on, as well as those traditiona­lly undertakin­g deer management.

“Moreover, the focus does not just include hill deer, but also low-ground roe deer.”

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