The Herald

Tribunal victory for cancer sufferer


A SOLICITOR who suffered life-threatenin­g cancer was unfairly dismissed from her job at a council, an employment tribunal has ruled.

Valerie Gauld’s performanc­e at work deteriorat­ed after she became ill, but the tribunal ruled that Perth and Kinross Council “went too far too fast” in dismissing her for an irretrieva­ble b r e a k d own wi t h her manager Linda Whiteford.

Mrs Gauld, 53, of Birkhill, near Dundee, joined the council in 2008 to carry out leasing and conveyanci­ng.

In October 2008, she was diagnosed with cancer and took time off work for treatment. The disease was lifethreat­ening and the initial prognosis was poor.

She returned to work on a phased basis in January 2009, but it wasn’t until 2010 that problems with her workbegan to surface.

Mrs Whiteford said she found Mrs Gauld tense and confrontat­ional, and she was sacked in March 2011 on the basis of her conduct towards Mrs Whiteford. .

The tribunal, chaired by judge James Hendry, found that Mrs Gauld’s dismissal had been unfair and criticised the authority for thinking it was rare for cancer patients to suffer posttrauma­tic stress disorder.

The judgment stated: “We cannot understand how anyone can say that a condition that typically affects one in five people can come into such a category, or that the suggestion that because it manifested itself atypically disproves its existence.”

A hearing will be held to decide her settlement.

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