The Herald

1.4 million Scots adults are not saving


ONE-THIRD of adults in Scotland are not making any effort to save for the future.

Research has found 20% of Scots men and women have no savings at all, while 1.4 million people, one-third of the country’s adult population, are not currently putting anything away.

The Scottish Widows’ savings and investment report shows a “bleak picture” of people’s ability to cope wi t h financial shocks.

Of the 63% who are saving, more than one-third (35%) have put away less than £1000.

Scottish Widows said this amount barely covers the average total monthly cost of mortgage and council tax payments of £870.

The report also found 29% of respondent­s with families have loaned “a substantia­l amount” to

future children, often to help them meet daily living expenses.

Support is also provided for higher education and buying property, with parents giving an average loan of almost £14,000, the annual report said.

The majority of parents who answered (64%) opted to help their children get on the housing ladder, while 21% said they would prefer to contribute to university fees.

Over one-fifth of those lending money have cut back on their own savings, while 6% have stopped putting any money away.

The report also showed that on average grandparen­ts in Scotland have lent £700 to their grandchild­ren and 9% of people have loaned an average £1477 to a sibling.

More than one-quarter (28%) of respondent­s said they have been forced to cut back on their savings by rising costs, and a further one-quarter are saving less than two years ago, mainly due to a lower level of disposable income.

Iain McGowan, head of savings and investment­s at Scottish Widows, said: “Taking a wholly shortterm view of our finances will mean we are unprepared for the financial needs and challenges that lie ahead in the future.”

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