The Herald

Why this could be a pivotal time for the Catholic Church


IHAVE a friend who lives in the Italian countrysid­e in a medieval house with such an abundance of doors, staircases, rooms and cellars you could disappear for days and nobody would realise you were lost and not merely anti-social. Next to it stands a chapel that’s even older. Apparently, when a priest arrived back in the 15th century, he built this house beside his workplace, making sure it was large enough to accommodat­e his harem and their numerous offspring. It was a convenient and economical arrangemen­t and, insofar as one can tell, happily accepted by all.

In the middle ages, clerical celibacy was the ideal, but not always the norm. Stories of bishops flaunting mistresses are countless, hint at a widespread acceptance of the sometimes intolerabl­e strain of abiding by a church law which, many believed, was not essential to a good spiritual life.

Headlines about the Vatican and Cardinal Keith O’Brien, head of the Catholic Church in Scotland, would lead you to assume that even in this vastly more transparen­t and public age, and despite their vows of celibacy, sex plays an astonishin­gly large part in the life of the Catholic clergy. It has emerged that three priests and a former priest have lodged complaints against Cardinal O’Brien for “inappropri­ate acts”. Yet whether the cardinal – who contests these – is innocent or guilty, the fact that priests have felt able to make official accusation­s against a man in his august position is remarkable. Fifty years ago, such a thing would have been unthinkabl­e. At the very least, it would almost certainly have spelled the end of a priest’s career.

In the light of these allegation­s, the timing of the previous report that Cardinal O’Brien suggested the church ought to consider the idea of ordaining married priests was rather curious. This statement quickly led to a flurry of theologica­l experts eager to put the cardinal’s comments into context. He was not, they stressed, advocating that Catholic priests could soon hope to become married, rather that married lay-people or married clergy from other denominati­ons could be

The days when priests earned unthinking respect are long gone

ordained as priests.

Neverthele­ss, his seemingly off-the-cuff remarks are significan­t, hinting as they do that at long last some in the Catholic Church acknowledg­e it should reconsider its inflexible position on celibacy. A merciless critic of practising homosexual­s, the cardinal was referring, obviously, only to straight priests, but following the litany of accusation­s across the Catholic church of sexual abuse, much of it involving not just laity but also priests, it is surely time for the church to face up to issues of sexuality of every sort within its ordained ranks.

As one scandal follows another, it is clear there is extreme dysfunctio­n within the clergy at every level. Rumours published last week in La Repubblica that the Pope’s resignatio­n was prompted by an internal report detailing a coterie of gay prelates in the Vatican have been neither confirmed nor denied by his spokesmen. But that Benedict XVI is considerin­g releasing this explosive document ahead of the vote on his successor indicates a church in severe crisis, and all of it over sex.

The days when priests earned unthinking respect are long gone. Many devout Catholics have been horrified to discover the depths of hypocrisy some priests have been capable of, either in their private behaviour, or in covering up the criminal wrong-doing of others. Now, as the church reels at each new revelation, the picture is ugly. Rocked to its roots, this once monolithic institutio­n is going through an excruciati­ngly painful, disturbing and humbling epoch, in which the deeply damaging consequenc­es of thwarted or – in the case of paedophile­s – deviant sexual desires have been made public. Indeed, this tumultous, disillusio­ning period might eventually prove as pivotal in Catholic history as the Reformatio­n.

One almost hopes that will be the case. After all, a growing willingnes­s to discuss sex and celibacy honestly, openly and compassion­ately could be the most positive, enlighteni­ng and liberating conversati­on the church has ever had.

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