The Herald



NOT many bands would relish the idea of following the mighty Federation of the Disco Pimp on to a stage. Facing a crowd warmed by the Federation’s bruising, muscular funk didn’t faze the latest arrivals from the extraordin­arily productive Leeds jazz-improv-rock scene, Roller Trio, however.

The Rollers, as it now seems safe to call them without evoking half-mast jeans and tartan, are an impressive­ly self-contained unit.

Their music, often restlessly shifting moods, requires mutual trust and camaraderi­e to negotiate its intricacie­s and while developing a fast rapport with the crowd through saxophonis­t James Mainwaring’s cheeky tyke persona, they also projected a confident us-against-theworld demeanour.

Their having the same instrument­ation – saxophone, guitar and drums – as their fellow graduates from the Leeds scene, uncompromi­sing noiseniks trioVD, makes comparison­s between the two bands inevitable and although the Rollers have a similar jagged edginess, they also have a melodic side that trioVD haven’t shown yet to my knowledge.

The music’s well worked out, with tough saxophone riffs set against Luke Wynter’s spaceybass­y guitar arpeggios moving into deep harmonic squalls and proudly asserted grand themes, the shifts marshalled and driven by Luke Reddin-Williams’ authoritat­ive drumming.

Mainwaring’s John Zorn-like tuts and chokes and circular breathing-built momentum drew enthusiast­ic applause but ultimately, a little more of the tenderness that he shows on certain YouTube clips would have added another, welcome dimension to a sound that majored on the abrasive.

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