The Herald

Smokers motivated to quit by money


ONE-QUARTER of smokers claim that the cost of their habit is a bigger motivator to quit than implicatio­ns for their health.

According to a study conducted by the British Heart Foundation, 34% of smokers said they felt guilty about the amount they are spending on cigarettes.

A poll of 2000 smokers found that 25% reported they were more inclined to kick the habit because of concerns about money over the effects on their long-term health.

As part of its 30th annual No Smoking Day campaign, the charity is calling on smokers to think about how much money they could save if they quit.

A person who smokes 20 cigarettes a day would save themselves £2555 over the course of a year if they decided to quit.

Dr Mi ke Knapt o n , associate medical director at t he Bri t i s h Hear t Foundation, said: “These figures reveal the emotional burden smokers endure by feeling guilty about the impact their addiction has on family life and their finances.

“Fortunatel­y, if you smoke and want to stop, we’re here to help.

“More t han 750,000 smokers will attempt to quit on No Smoking Day on Wednesday March 13.

“So why not get ready to j oi n in and reward yourself and your family with the money you save.”

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