The Herald

Jackson family lose negligence case against promoter


A JURY has cleared a concert promoter of negligence in a case that attempted to link the death of Michael Jackson to the company that promoted his ill-fated comeback shows.

The panel rejected a lawsuit brought by Jackson’s mother claiming AEG Live was negligent in hiring the doctor who killed Jackson with an overdose of a hospital anaestheti­c that the singer used as a sleep aid.

With its verdict, the panel also delivered a somewhat surprising message – jurors did not believe Dr Conrad Murray was unfit or incom- petent to perform his duties involving Jackson.

The ruling on that particular question ended any further considerat­ion on damages and who was at fault for the death.

AEG Live lead defence lawyer, Marvin S Putnam, said after the verdict: “I couldn’t be more pleased with the way the jury came out.”

Katherine Jackson said she was okay after the verdict was delivered.

A victory could have meant hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for Mrs Jackson and the singer’s three children and provided a rebuke of AEG Live, the second-largest concer t promoter in the US.

Murray was convicted of involuntar­y manslaught­er in 2011 after giving Jackson the overdose as he prepared for a series of comeback shows.

Testimony at the civil trial showed only Jackson and Murray knew he was taking the drug.

 ??  ?? OVERDOSE: Michael Jackson died during his comeback bid.
OVERDOSE: Michael Jackson died during his comeback bid.

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