The Herald

No signs of deal to end US shutdown


WASHINGTON TALKS between President Barack Obama and Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress have failed to break the Budget deadlock that has shut down most of the federal government.

After more than an hour of talks, there was no deal and both sides blamed each other.

House of Representa­tives speaker John Boehner said Mr Obama refused to negotiate, while House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate majority leader Harry Reid accused Republican­s of trying to hold the President hostage over his healthcare reforms.

Mr Reid said Mr Obama told Republican­s “he will not stand” for their tactics. The White House said Mr Obama remains hopeful “common sense will prevail”.

However, there was little to encourage hope for a quick solution to the shutdown and hundreds of thousands of federal employees remain at home without pay.

Leaders of the Republican­controlled House of Representa­tives and the Democratic-led Senate offered token concession­s that were quickly dismissed by the other side. Republican­s have tried to tie continued government funding to measures that would undercut Mr Obama’s signature healthcare law, but the President and his Democrats say that is a non-starter.

Mr Boehner said: “The President reiterated one more time that he will not negotiate.”

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