The Herald

Catalonia is paying homage to brave Caledonia

- In Catalonia

ALMOST exactly three hundred years ago the illegitima­te son of a Stuart monarch bombarded Barcelona into capitulati­on and, ultimately, Spanish rule.

Yesterday it was people leaving their mark on the Catalan capital rather than bombs, hundreds of thousands of them forming a giant V-shape along two of the city’s main streets.

Their message? “Ara És l’Hora”, or “it’s time”, time to regain the sovereignt­y lost in 1714.

James FitzJames (the illegitima­te son of King James II) was conspicuou­s by his absence, although President Obama was – in visual form – carried down part of the 11km-long demonstrat­ions. David Cameron enjoyed a similar honour; Alex Salmond did not.

Neverthele­ss, “Scotland” is on many lips in Barcelona. Saltires punctuated several parts of the demonstrat­ion (known as the “Diada”) while vendors sold T-shirts of the Saltire and Catalonian flags under the heading “Independèn­cia 2014”. Yesterday’s motto was: “9N Votarem. 9N Guanyarem” (‘we will vote on November 9; we will win on November 9”).

But while the planned referendum gave this Diada a contempora­ry focus, it has a deeper provenance: Catalan history emphasises

POPULAR UPRISING: Thousands of Catalans took to the streets to demand the Madrid government grants them the right to hold an independen­ce referendum.

CATALONIA: Traditiona­l dress and flags drive home the separatist­s’ point. the constructi­ve approach of the British in 1707 (preserving elements of Scottishne­ss under the Act of Union) with that of the Spanish in 1714 (abolishing Catalonian institutio­ns under the Decree of Nueva Planta).

So the march had both contempora­ry and historical significan­ce. At 4.45pm on a balmy September afternoon the two heads of the “V” began to move forward, joining at a single point 15 minutes later and then moving forward until, at the symbolic time of 17:14, a Catalan girl who will turn 16 on November 9 cast a symbolic vote in a ballot box at the head of the vortex at Plaça de les Glòries.

But while the press guidance claimed yesterday’s “action” was the “best guarantee to ensure the realisatio­n of the referendum” in two months’ time, when I asked Alex Ribo, a spokesman for the Catalan National Assembly, what the reaction in Madrid was likely to be he replied: “None.”

Madrid is in no mood to follow David Cameron’s lead. An independen­ce referendum would be illegal

PROTEST: Pro-referendum campaigner­s converge on the Placa de los Glories. under the Spanish constituti­on, it argues; end of. Thus, says Ribo, “very positive envy” characteri­ses the Catalan view of Scotland. He was aware of the Prime Minister’s speech in Edinburgh a few days ago, in which he reiterated that Scots could not be kept in the UK against their will.

“That’s amazing,” he exclaimed, “that’s a hit on the head for Mariano Rajoy [the Spanish Prime Minister].” Indeed, at an internatio­nal press conference a few hours earlier, Catalan president Artur Mas repeatedly praised the UK’s “highqualit­y democratic system”. “We admire it, this British democratic sense,” Mas said, “this British democratic mentality and the capacity they have to listen to people and [respond to] popular requests.”

Mas is no constituti­onal radical (he has only supported full independen­ce for two years); he is cautious, keen to do things by the book and broker, if possible, a deal akin to the “British solution” with Madrid. Next week the Catalan parliament will pass a Plebiscite Act allowing for a consultati­ve referendum, and the government argues – somewhat tenuously – that as the Spanish constituti­on protects “freedom of expression” then it is not unconstitu­tional.

I asked Mas about the narrowing polls in Scotland


st as we’re going toe-to-toe with the British state, you’re going toe-to-toe with the Spanish state

and the potential impact of a Yes vote in both Madrid and Catalonia. He said he was certain all EU member states would “accept the result” immediatel­y and that, in the end, that would “also be the position of the central government in Madrid”. He was also convinced negotiatio­ns between Brussels, London and Edinburgh would start “very quickly”. His implicatio­n was clear: if Scotland, why not Catalonia?

In Catalonia public opinion overwhelmi­ngly supports both a referendum (around 80 per cent) and, according to polls, also independen­ce (around 60 per cent). Spanish “Unionists”, meanwhile, are a rare breed. “The real story was the split among the socialists,” says Liz Castro, an American author who moved back to Barcelona last year, “with some favouring the ‘right to decide’ and others not.”

Such is the constituti­onal consensus that British concepts of press neutrality don’t appear to apply in Catalonia, and visiting Scottish journalist­s are assumed to be pro-independen­ce, both at home and in an Iberian context.

Liam O’Hare, an activist with the Radical Independen­ce Convention, was in Barcelona to give his Catalan comrades a confidence boost: “Just as we’re going toe-to-toe with the British state, you’re going toe-to-toe with the Spanish state,” he said at a rally on Wednesday evening.

The two campaigns, however, have many difference­s. The Catalans – deprived of a legal referendum – are forced to dwell on process. But judging from yesterday’s “Catalan Way”, the majority long for a Scottish debate as well as a British solution.

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Picture: Getty
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