The Herald

Sexual predator is jailed for eight years


A SEXUAL predator who raped a 14-year-old girl and abused five other girls over a 19-year period has been jailed for eight years.

George Anderson, 63, from Johnstone, winked at members of his family as he was led away.

Yesterday at the High Court in Glasgow Judge Johanna Johnston QC told Anderson: “These crimes were committed on young girls and young women.

“You exploited your position as a trusted adult. Some of these victims were vulnerable.

“Your criminal conduct has had a devastatin­g effect on your victims.”

Anderson, who had a fruit and veg shop in Johnstone, committed the offences between May 1973 and August 1992 at various addresses in Johnstone and Howwood.

He raped one of his victims in the back of the converted ambulance from which he sold fruit and vegetables and he sexually abused a woman with intent to rape.

His other victims were subjected to inappropri­ate groping by Anderson.

Defence counsel Kevin McCallum told the court Anderson still denies committing the offences.

He added: “He has health problems including diabetes and a heart condition. He has suffered tragedy in his life his daughter died in a road traffic accident on boxing Day 1995 and his son was murdered in 2004.”

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