The Herald

Family ‘haunted’ as Dewani is cleared of plotting killing

Honeymoon murder prosecutio­n evidence is dismissed by SA judge


THE grief-stricken family of South Africa honeymoon murder victim Anni Dewani say they are still looking for answers after her British millionair­e husband was cleared of plotting her brutal death.

Shrien Dewani, from Westburyon-Trym, near Bristol, heaved a sigh of relief as Judge Jeanette Traverso dismissed the case against him, after evidence from prosecutio­n witnesses was described as being “riddled with contradict­ions”.

Speaking on the steps of the Western Cape High Court after Dewani was acquitted, Anni’s sister Ami Denborg said the family felt “failed” by the justice system, having waited four years for the case to be brought against the 34-year-old businessma­n wrongly accused of staging the car-jacking in which she was gunned down.

Ms Denborg said the family would be “haunted” by the decision. Holding back tears, she said: “We came here looking for answers and we came here looking for the truth and all we got was more questions.

“We waited patiently for four years to hear what really happened to Anni and to hear the full story of what happened to our dearest little sister.

“All we wanted was to hear all the events and the hope of actually finding that out has kept us, as a family, going.

“Unfortunat­ely we believe that this right has now been taken away from us.”

Drawing on evidence that Dewani had secret relationsh­ips with gay men in the months before they married, Ms Denborg said: “We heard that Shrien has led a double life and that Anni knew nothing about it.

“And we just wish that Shrien had been honest with us and especially with Anni.”

Three men have already been convicted of plotting to kill Anni – while a self-confessed “middle man” who set up the murder may also face justice having previously been granted immunity by the state.

Prosecutor­s said bisexual Dewani had long planned to get out of the relationsh­ip to Swedish-raised engineer Anni, 28, and arranged a car-jacking on their honeymoon in Cape Town in November 2010 in which he would escape unharmed and Anni would be killed.

But Dewani’s defence team criticised prosecutio­n witnesses and said the case against him was weak.

Judge Traverso said chief prosecutio­n witness cab driver Zola Tongo’s claims about the murder were “riddled with contradict­ions” and “highly debatable”.

The judge said the evidence presented by the prosecutio­n fell “far below” t he r e qu i r e d threshold.

Dewani was extradited this year to face trial accused of planning the murder of his wife.

However, the judge declared the evidence from the three criminals already convicted over his bride’s murder was “so improbable, with so many mistakes, lies and inconsiste­ncies you cannot see where the lies ended and the truth begins”.

Zola Tongo, Mziwamadod­a Qwabe and gunman Xolile Mngeni have already been convicted for their part in Anni’s murder, which happened when the Dewanis’ chauffeur-driven late-night tour of a township was hijacked.

Qwabe is part-way through a 25-year jail sentence. Mngeni was serving life for firing the shot that killed Mrs Dewani, but died in prison from a brain tumour. Tongo was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Yesterday’s ruling brings to an end a four-year wait for Dewani and his family to clear his name – a battle which has included lengthy spells in mental health units, lurid allegation­s about his private life and fighting extraditio­n from the UK to face justice.

Judge Traverso said a defendant was entitled to be discharged if there was no possibilit­y of conviction unless he entered the witness box and incriminat­ed himself.

Speaking outside the court, South African National Prosecutin­g Authority spokesman Nathi Ncube told reporters: “Justice is indeed about making sure that where there is a case we successful­ly prosecute it and where we think there is sufficient evidence to take the matter to court we do so.

“We have successful­ly prosecuted three people who partici- pated – not just participat­ed but were actually part of the planning and executed the plan.”

The judge confirmed Monde Mbolombo, a self-confessed “link man” in the plot, would no longer be granted immunity for his part in the plot. The hotel porter admitted telling lies to the court to protect himself when the investigat­ion first took hold. He had initially been granted immunity by prosecutor­s in return for being a state witness.

But the judge said: “As his evidence progressed it became more and more clear of his involvemen­t.”

It is up to prosecutor­s to decide whether Mbolombo should face criminal proceeding­s.

 ??  ?? CLEARED: Shrien Dewani arrives to find out
if his trial on charges he paid hitmen to murder his wife would continue. Picture: Mike Hutchings
CLEARED: Shrien Dewani arrives to find out if his trial on charges he paid hitmen to murder his wife would continue. Picture: Mike Hutchings
 ??  ?? UPSET: Ami Denborg, Anni Dewani’s sister, told of her family’s shock at the South African justice system.
UPSET: Ami Denborg, Anni Dewani’s sister, told of her family’s shock at the South African justice system.
 ??  ?? HONEYMOON: Shrien and Anni Dewani had just married.
HONEYMOON: Shrien and Anni Dewani had just married.

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