The Herald

Statistics show how motorists will drive after drink


AS MANY as 19 per cent of motorists have driven the morning after a night of heavy drinking – even when they thought they might have been over the legal limit, according to a survey.

But more than half (54 per cent) of drivers do try to avoid drink-driving by agreeing a designated driver before a night out.

Based on responses from 19,887 adults, the AA/Populus survey also found drinking lots of water and eating a fried breakfast were the two main ways of reducing alcohol levels.

The figures were released to co-incide with a Christmas anti-drink driving campaign from the AA and drinks company Pernod Ricard UK.

The poll showed that women (58 per cent) were more likely than men (52 per cent) to nominate a designated driver before a night out drinking, but only 43 per cent of 18-24 year olds would do so compared with 58 per cent of those aged 65 or over.

Londoners (40 per cent) were the least likely to agree a designated driver but the most likely to plan to use public transport or taxis.

Drivers in the east of England (61 per cent) and in south west England (60 per cent) were most likely to agree a designated driver.

In Scotland, where the legal drink-drive limit has just been lowered from 80mgs to 50mgs, 9 per cent of drivers opted for soft drink Irn Bru as a alcohol-reduction measure compared with just 1 per cent in the UK.

AA president Edmund King said: “It is encouragin­g to see that many people are choosing to select a designated driver before a night out but it’s really important that they also consider arrangemen­ts for the morning after too.

“Alcohol levels in the body can still mean that drivers are over the limit the following morning and we want to ensure that people are fully aware of this when they are making the decision whether or not to get behind the wheel.”

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