The Herald



Salmond says he is ready to rumble Westminste­r ... but will he recognise the place?

ALEX Salmond is ready to rumble Westminste­r, he says. But will he recognise the place? The Palace of Westminste­r is not what it was.

Back in Salmond’s glory days, under Margaret Thatcher and then Tony Blair, the House of Commons really was the cockpit of the nation.

Just being in its precincts gave you that intoxicati­ng sense of being near to power. But now the lobbies are silent, many bars have closed and the palace is mostly deserted in the evening.

The Labour MP John Mann gave the game away, admitting this week that parliament­arians have been putting in only a two day week.

Politician­s – like journalist­s – now spend far too much of their time in their offices sitting in front of computers. Tweeting, Facebookin­g, emailing and playing computer games.

Even when they are supposed to be in committees as we discovered when the Tory MP Nigel Mills was photograph­ed playing Candy Crush while in a Work and Pensions Committee session.

Politics used to be a contact sport. This was partly because of the institutio­n called the Lobby – a kind of parliament­ary freemasonr­y which allowed MPs and selected journalist­s to frequent the quadrangle immediatel­y outside the Commons debating chamber.

Special rules applied – most importantl­y that whatever MPs said there was quotable, but on an unattribut­able basis.

The Lobby was a great journalist­ic resource if you were part of it, but it was highly manipulati­ve. It allowed politician­s to push stories – often against rivals in their own party – behind a cloak of anonymity.

But even the Lobby is not what it was. There are fewer late night sessions in parliament and MPs now tend to congregate in the forbidding Portcullis House over the road where they have their big offices.

Back when Salmond was causing endless mischief, politician­s lived in cramped broom cupboards, so they tended to hang out in the Lobby and in the bars, to chat and plot. I once went on a parliament­ary pub crawl and lost count after 12 bars.

But politician­s don’t even frequent the “liquid dungeons” of Westminste­r, as the

The Lobby was a great journalist­ic resource if you were part of it, but it was highly manipulati­ve. It allowed politician­s to push stories – often against rivals in their own party – behind a cloak of anonymity

Labour MP Brian Wilson called them, any more.

Annie’s Bar, which used to be notorious for heavy parliament is long gone, as is the press bar.

Mind you, Alex Salmond wasn’t much of a drinker and used to claim that he had never visited Annie’s. But he will find the place very much less convivial than in his day.

Too many politician­s spend long lunches with lobbyists in the many Commons dining rooms where many sordid deals are struck.

Parliament is now infested with lobbyists – both profession­al hired guns and representa­tives of corporate entities. They were there in the past too, of course, but they were always regarded as the lowest of the low. Interloper­s. Paddlers of influence.

After the great cash-for-questions scandals of the 1990s, they were supposed to have been swept away, but they just became institutio­nalised instead. In fact, so many ex-politician­s are now lobbyists that it is hard to tell elected members from the hired hands.

Famously, the former Labour minister, Stephen Byers, disclosed to an undercover journalist in 2011 that he was “available for hire, like a taxi”. That was a sad insight into just how far our elected members had fallen.

Salmond is really a product of a bygone age, when MPs really were big beasts and attracted some of the most powerful personalit­ies in public life. So how will roisterous, chatterbox Salmond fit into this deracinate­d parliament of nonentitie­s who spend their time in the gym when they should be plotting?

Well, I’m sure he’ll find a way. If nothing else, he will become the member for chat shows like Have I Got News For You. Salmond is a compulsive publicity seeker and he will no doubt be back on our screens before long

Alex Salmond loves to cause trouble. And trouble makers – intelligen­t ones with a purpose – is precisely what Westminste­r lacks these days, now that the Tony Benns and Michael Heseltines are part of parliament­ary history.

Modern politician­s are mostly ex-policy wonks who behave more like public relations executives than parliament­arians. So, perhaps Westminste­r will be all the better for Salmond’s second coming. It certainly needs someone to put a bit of life back in the old place.

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