The Herald



“The Treasury has been accused by Nicola Sturgeon of becoming transparen­tly party political after the allegation that Chief Secretary Danny Alexander used figures compiled by its officials to claim the SNP’s anti-austerity plan would raise Britain’s debt levels” – UK Political Editor Michael Settle’s story yesterday. “Pro-Independen­ce candidates in a UK election are to treated as ‘insurgents’? Proof, if proof were needed, that the Westminste­r Establishm­ent, the Tory, Labour and LibDem Ultras, plus the Oxbridge-educated mandarins and the ruling classes, will deny Scots their right to vote for whomever they like and that said candidates must be treated in the same as manner any other party’s candidates contesting this election.” John Collatin. “How can it be partisan if it is the truth? Seems to me someone is trying to deflect attention from the GERS figures tomorrow, although the updated figures for the current year from the Scottish Committee show a £6.5 billion black hole in Scotland’s finances due to the oil price collapse. What a lucky break we had in voting No last September – think of the austerity that would have followed.” Johnny Hodges, Edinburgh. “The SNP has only six MPs – a meagre 0.9 per cent of the 650 MPs at Westminste­r; and in the general election on 7 May 2015 the SNP will be fielding only 59 candidates – a meagre 9 per cent of the 650 seats available at Westminste­r. Ms Sturgeon’s pompous demand for the SNP to be involved in pre-election briefing is self-evidently prepostero­us – and has rightly been rejected as pompous and prepostero­us.” John MacIntyre, Woking. Join the debate at heraldscot­

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