The Herald

Lane properties come out top in house-price league for being most expensive addresses


HOMES in Lanes tend to be worth a fifth more than the average house price, research has found.

A property with the word in its address has an average value of £245,906, 22 per cent more than the typical UK house price, at £201,246, according to research for Barclays Mortgages.

A home at an address containing the word Way was found to be the next most valuable, with a price tag of £218,742 on average, followed by a property with the word Road in its address, which is worth £212,717 typically.

The research was carried out by property market specialist­s Hometrack, which also found that homes with Drive or Street in their address tended to command the lowest prices, at £191,675 and £142,374 typically.

There were exceptions to the findings, depending on where in the country the property is. For example, in London, a home in a Lane is worth about £414,122, while a home in a Street is worth significan­tly more, at £566,406 typically.

In Scotland, homes in a Close were found to be the most valuable on average, at £161,869. In Wales, homes in a Lane were worth more than properties in other locations, at £190,039 on average. In Northern Ireland, properties in a Road were the priciest, at £148,519 on average.

Andy Gray, Barclays managing director of mort- gages, said: “While this data paints a clear picture of victory for Lanes in the competitio­n between properties, it’s interestin­g to see the varying statistics from around the country, and a huge growth in value overall.”

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