The Herald

Academic throws his hat into ring in bid to be MSP


AN ACADEMIC and UK Government adviser is now bidding to become an MSP.

Adam Tomkins is seeking the Tories’ nomination to stand in a Glasgow constituen­cy. However, he also hopes to take top spot on the Glasgow regional list, a position which would almost guarantee him a seat at Holyrood.

Mr Tomkins, the John Millar Professor of Public Law at Glasgow University, was one of the Scottish Conservati­ve negotiator­s during the Smith Commission talks on further devolution. There, he worked alongside Baroness Goldie, the former leader of the Scots Conservati­ves.

Since then he has been handed a role as a constituti­onal adviser to Scottish Secretary David Mundell, as he steers the Scotland Bill through the House of Commons.

Mr Tomkins announced the move in a typically forthright post on his blog, Notes From North Britain, which included a withering attack on the SNP’s record in government.

Describing the Nationalis­t administra­tions which have held power since 2007 as dismal, he said the SNP would be brought down by demonstrat­ing to Scots that our solutions to Scotland’s problems are better than the SNP’s, even if we don’t tattoo the Saltire on every press release and policy announceme­nt.

He added: “Naturally, I want Ruth Davidson to be First Minister, not Nicola Sturgeon, but if the SNP leader pips Ruth to the post, the Scottish Conservati­ves are, at the least, extremely well placed to form the most robust, principled and effective opposition that any SNP administra­tion has yet faced.”

Mr Tomkins, who was a prominent No campaigner in last year’s independen­ce referendum, descr ibed himself as a “liberal, modern, reformist” Conservati­ve.

He throws his hat into the ring as around half the Tories’ complement of 15 MSPs prepare to stand down at next May’s election.

Leader Ruth Davidson, currently a Glasgow regional MSP, will fight the election in the Lothians, where the party believes it can make gains.

The current Lothians Conservati­ve MSP Gavin Brown is among those standing down, allowing Ms Davidson to top the party list.

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