The Herald

University standards ‘put at risk’

Principals fear students losing out as £60m shortfall impacts on teaching


UNIVERSITI­ES are facing challenges to the quality of teaching they give students as they suffer from an annual funding shortfall of almost £60 million, according to principals.

The institutio­ns are supposed to receive on average £7,500 from the Scottish Government for each student they recruit.

However, there are currently 10,000 students who are only receiving funding of £1,800. It is caused by a cap on the number of publicly funded Scottish students at university, but they can recruit additional applicants at the lower tariff, known as fees-only students.

However, rather than being a safety net, the concern is fees-only students are increasing­ly used as a way of expanding Scottish student numbers on the cheap.

A spokeswoma­n for Universiti­es Scotland, which represents university principals, warned the underfundi­ng was having an impact.

She said: “High levels of fees-only students in the system, along with reductions in teaching grant, make it more challengin­g to offer every student the quality of experience they deserve.

“There needs to be a conversati­on about what level of public funding is necessary to deliver the quality of higher education that our students deserve, our employers expect and our economy needs.”

Institutio­ns are particular­ly concerned about the shortfall because it comes at a time when the sector is facing a 3.5 per cent funding cut for 2016/17.

Three Scottish universiti­es have already announced job cuts this year as part of moves to save millions of pounds in the face of cuts and rising costs.

There are also fears Scottish universiti­es could fall behind their counterpar­ts south of the Border who get £9,000 for every student they recruit because of tuition fees.

Mary Senior, Scotland official for the UCU lecturers’ and support staff union, called on the Scottish Government to direct more public money towards the sector.

She said: “The increasing differ- ential between the costs of teaching provided through government and the actual costs of delivering this teaching needs to be looked at.

“The answer is not to follow the unfair model of tuition fees, nor for universiti­es to sack the teaching and research staff who make Scottish universiti­es world leading.

“We believe higher education should be publicly funded and that Scotland needs to generate more public funding for our universiti­es.”

Vonnie Sandlan, president of student body NUS Scotland, called for an expansion of higher education to ensure there were sufficient places for students.

She said: “We’d be really concerned if high levels of fees-only students meant any erosion of the services or teaching quality that all students have access to while studying.”

Laurence Howells, chief executive of the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), said universiti­es were able to recruit extra students as part of a long-standing arrangemen­t to create flexibilit­y in the admissions process and provide more students with a place.

A Scottish Government spokeswoma­n added: “Universiti­es have discretion to recruit a number of home students over and above the number of funded student places allocated by the SFC.

“We have invested over £4 billion in the higher education sector over the last four years.”

The answer is not to follow the unfair model of tuition fees, nor for universiti­es to sack the teaching staff

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