The Herald

Mourners pay respects to shooting victim whose death sparked protests


MOURNERS gathered yesterday to pay their last respects to a 37-year-old black man who was shot dead by two white police officers in Louisiana.

The killing helped fuel protests nationwide over the treatment of African-Americans by police.

Alton Sterling was shot outside a convenienc­e store in Baton Rouge on July 5 in an incident that was caught on video. The shocking recordings, filmed on at least two mobile phones, were broadcast worldwide.

Mr Sterling’s death was the start of a tumultuous week in American race relations. The following day, Philando Castile, 32, was shot dead by a police officer in Minnesota during a traffic stop, with his girlfriend streaming the aftermath of the black man’s death live on Facebook.

On July 7, as people outraged by police killings took to the street in Dallas, an African-American man opened fire, kill- ing five police officers there. Protests over police treatment of blacks drew thousands in Baton Rouge, and the Department of Justice has opened an investigat­ion into Mr Sterling’s shooting.

His family has called for the officers to be prosecuted. Police said in a search warrant that officers saw the “butt of a gun” in Mr Sterling’s pocket during the arrest and that he tried to reach for it during the altercatio­n.

Mr Sterling leaves behind five children. His son Cameron, 15, spoke to reporters briefly this week for the first time, telling people his father was a good man, while calling for protesters to be peaceful. Authoritie­s arrested about 200 people in Baton Rouge during the protests last weekend, with demonstrat­ors accusing the police of heavy-handed tactics.

“I feel that people in general, no matter what their race is, should come together as one united family,” Cameron said.

 ??  ?? GRIEF: Mourners say farewell to Alton Sterling
GRIEF: Mourners say farewell to Alton Sterling

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