The Herald

Holyrood review called following concerns over ineffectiv­e scrutiny


EXPERTS will examine sweeping Holyrood reforms following concerns that ministers are escaping effective scrutiny from backbenche­rs.

Ken Macintosh, the presiding officer, said the Scottish Parliament’s systems were in need of “an MOT” with John McCormick, who stands down as Electoral Commission­er for Scotland in December, to lead a review.

It represents the latest bid to improve processes at Holyrood.

Tricia Marwick, the former presiding officer, had made a series of recommenda­tions including the introducti­on of directly elected committee convenors but found her efforts largely thwarted.

The move comes following growing concerns that Holyrood had fallen well behind Westminste­r in providing effective scrutiny of Government and legislatio­n, with MSPs regularly asking softball questions of ministers in committee sessions and votes dividing on party lines.

The review has the support of all Holyrood party leaders and will be tasked with ensuring checks and balances are in place, exploring how the parliament can increase public engagement and establish an identity distinct from the Scottish Government.

Mr Macintosh said: “During this session the Scottish Parliament will turn 21, and we will have seen coalition, majority and minority government, further devolution of powers and a digital revolution.

“The time is right for us to reflect on our experience and take a serious look at how the Parliament should evolve to ensure it best meets the needs of the Scottish people.

“Over the last decade or more, we have seen Scottish politics become increasing­ly tribal and divisive.

“This has, among other things, made it challengin­g for MSPs to find the space to develop in their distinct role as parliament­arians.”

 ??  ?? KEN MACINTOSH: Said systems needed an ‘MOT’.
KEN MACINTOSH: Said systems needed an ‘MOT’.

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