The Herald



1517: Martin Luther nailed his 95 ‘theses’ to the church door at Wittenburg, inadverten­tly sparking the Reformatio­n that split the Church. 1795: Lyric poet John Keats was born in London. 1876: More than 200,000 people were killed when a monster cyclone with 40ft waves struck India, . 1926: Magician Harry Houdini died of gangrene and peritoniti­s that developed after his appendix ruptured. 1940: The Battle of Britain ended. The RAF lost 915 aircraft, the Luftwaffe 1,733. 1955: Princess Margaret announced she would not marry Captain Peter Townsend, a divorcee. 1958: Dr Ake Senning implanted the first internal heart pacemaker, in Stockholm. 1971: A terrorist bomb exploded at the top of the Post Office Tower in London. 1984: Mrs Indira Gandhi, prime minister of India, was shot dead by two Sikh members of her bodyguard in New Delhi. 2015: Metrojet Flight 9268 was bombed over the northern Sinai Peninsula, killing all 224 people on board. BIRTHDAYS: Michael Kitchen, actor, 68; Charles Moore, journalist and former editor of the Daily Telegraph, 60; Peter Jackson, film director, 55; Larry Mullen Jr, rock drummer (U2), 55; Johnny Marr, rock guitarist, 53; Denis Irwin, former footballer and television presenter, 51; Ian Walker, former footballer, 45; Matt Dawson, former rugby player, 44. QUOTES OF THE DAY: “I say: ‘Put your money where your mouth is – if you think you’re better than me, let’s have a dance-off’” – Ed Balls has a message for his Strictly critic Sir Alan Sugar. “There are definitely rooms I haven’t been in in ages. I don’t use the swimming pool and I haven’t been

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