The Herald

Man sent toprison for seven years for raping girl


A RAPIST who claimed his child victim made up an allegation of sexual assault after he gave her a row over the state of her room has been jailed for seven years.

Warren Gillespie left the schoolgirl bruised and distressed after carrying out an attack and rape on her.

A judge told the sexual predator at the High Court in Edinburgh that it was “a nasty and serious charge”.

Kenneth Maciver QC said: “This was the rape of a girl of 12 and a half years of age with accompanyi­ng features of significan­t sexual assault.”

The judge said it was clear from an impact statement that the crime had significan­tly affected the victim and was likely to continue to do so for a long time. He said: “It is inevitable that a lengthy custodial sentence requires to be imposed in this case in order to address the gravity of the issues involved.”

The judge said he was prepared to deduct one year from the sentence he would have imposed because, although Gillespie had made a late guilty plea, the victim did not have to give evidence.

He also ordered he should be kept under supervisio­n for a further two-year period.

Gillespie, 41, formerly of Persley Park Caravan Park, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, was supposed to look after the girl and other youngsters when their mother went for a night out with friends.

Advocate depute Lisa Gillespie told the court: “He denied the allegation and suggested that the victim had fabricated it due to his having reprimande­d her for the untidy state of her bedroom.”

The court heard forensic analysis of clothing backed up the girl’s account.

Gillespie was placed on the sex offenders’ register.

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