The Herald

Why Brexit will be on Christmas bill of fare


THERE might seem little point in Nicola Sturgeon repeating her plea for Scotland to remain in the EU single market in her options paper today since the UK Government has rejected it in advance. Chancellor Philip Hammond made very clear that the Government will not entertain any special Scottish deal. It’s a red, white and blue Brexit, and there’s no place for a Saltire.

The Article 50 negotiatio­ns will be conducted by the UK Government as the member state, and it isn’t about to let Scotland get in the way. Neither, it has to be said, is there any indication that the European Union would negotiate independen­tly with Scotland over membership of the European Economic Area (EEA), however much sympathy there is the the European parliament for Scotland’s plight.

Moreover, the timing seems strange. If today’s options paper is the most important constituti­onal proposal to be put to the Scottish people since devolution, then it seems odd to publish it in Christmas week when voters are more interested in shopping than the complex dynamics of sub-state trading protocols. If it is effectivel­y the declaratio­n of the next independen­ce referendum, as Alex Salmond seems to believe, it might have been wiser to wait until the nation’s mind isn’t befuddled by booze from Christmas parties.

So what is the point of today’s exercise? Cynics might suspect it is to avoid dealing with the presentati­onal consequenc­es of the plan being comprehens­ively rejected by the UK Government. But it also smokes out the Scottish opposition. The paper forces Labour and the Liberal Democrats to explicitly reject or endorse the First Minister’s attempts to remain in the European Single Market, which they refused to do in last month’s Holyrood debate.

The First Minister’s demands appear to be two-fold: she wants the UK to devolve sufficient power to Holyrood to allow it to negotiate a treaty keeping Scotland in the EEA, rather like Norway. Norway is not in the European Union but it is in the European single market (ESM). A number of federal government­s in the EU have the powers to sign treaties, though not on the scale of the EEA/ESM.

But her second objective is to ensure that,

‘‘ The First Minister is intensely cautious and doesn’t want to find that, behind her back, the UK Government uses Brexit to bring Holyrood to heel

even if Scotland leaves the single market, Holyrood receives powers over responsibi­lities like agricultur­e, fisheries, environmen­t, immigratio­n, competitio­n policy and potentiall­y VAT. This is the so-called “Brexit bonus” that some Unionists have been talking about. The former civil servant, Professor Jim Gallagher, believes that Scotland could achieve federal status if these responsibi­lities are added to Holyrood’s existing powers. He agrees that immigratio­n should be one of them.

She is right to do this. There is no guarantee that Scotland will get full responsibi­lity for the laws repatriate­d from Brussels after Brexit. Westminste­r will accrue them by default and will have to actively devolve them thereafter to Holyrood. Will the UK Government willingly hand over the funding of EU agricultur­al support – worth £445 million? Will Scotland be allowed to dictate fisheries policy for the entire UK? We saw in the Supreme Court hearings that the UK Government does not believe Scotland has any legal rights to be consulted in the Brexit process under the supposedly “statutory” Sewel Convention.

These are highly complex, head-scratching issues. Many in the SNP would rather the First Minister dispensed with all these distractio­ns and just went all out for another independen­ce referendum, which some believe is there for the taking. But the First Minister is intensely cautious. She wants the best deal for Scotland in or out of the EU/ EEA and doesn’t want to find that, behind her back, the UK Government uses Brexit to bring Holyrood to heel.

Moreover, the shifting sands of Brexit make it very difficult to know the context against which any separate Scottish arrangemen­t might work. We now learn from the Internatio­nal Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, that the UK might remain in the free trade customs union that preceded the single market. Brexiters used to rule this out because it would leave the UK effectivel­y subject to EU laws on trading standards and tariffs.

Brexit remains as big a mess as ever. No-one has any idea what the shape of Britain’s relations will be with the EU after Article 50 is finally tabled in March. The Scottish Government can at least claim the distinctio­n of being the first to offer some kind of a plan. It’s on the table. And now we can all get back to the serious business of eating and drinking.

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