The Herald

Scot jailed in Bahrain over adultery claim freed


A SCOTS woman jailed in Bahrain after being accused of adultery has been released amid a fundraisin­g appeal by her mother to bring her home.

Hannah James, originally from Fraserburg­h, Aberdeensh­ire, moved to the country with husband Jassim Alhaddar and their young son, but her mother, Shelley James, claims she was a victim of domestic abuse and wanted to leave Bahrain.

Mrs James claimed her daughter’s passport was burnt and her husband accused her of having an affair.

Writing on a JustGiving page set up to raise funds to bring her daughter home, Mrs James said: “Things became very difficult for her as she was suffering from domestic violence.”

She added: “This became worse day by day. Hannah James finally made the decision to leave him and Bahrain with her son with support and help from her family.

“He made it impossible for her to leave as he burnt her passport.

“He then went to the police and accused her of having an affair, so she is and has been in Bahrain prison for one month now, and is looking at a sentence between one to five years on the grounds of adultery.”

The Foreign Office confirmed Ms James has now been released from prison but her mother said she cannot yet leave the country “for legal reasons”.

Mrs James said she contacted the British Embassy in Bahrain but accused them of being “no help at all”. The online fundraisin­g drive has almost reached its £2,500 target.

A Foreign Office spokesman said they are “providing support” and are in contact with the woman.

 ??  ?? HANNAH JAMES: Her mother says she suffered domestic abuse.
HANNAH JAMES: Her mother says she suffered domestic abuse.

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