The Herald

Kenyon Wright


Episcopali­an priest and leading advocate of devolution Born: August 31, 1932; Died: January 11, 2017 CANON Kenyon Edward Wright, who has died aged 84, was a man who had possibly the strongest claim to have been the godfather of devolution. He will be remembered for his role in cajoling disparate Scottish opposition groups to work together and moulding a single coherent case for constituti­onal change.

A decade after the referendum failure of 1979, and with Margaret Thatcher still in Downing Street, Canon Wright was invited to lead the seemingly impossible task of creating a consensus that was to drive the path towards a second devolution campaign and the resulting creation of the Scottish Parliament in 1999.

In doing so, he set a mark for political campaignin­g in Scotland, and strongly influenced the idea that the Parliament chamber itself be designed to physically minimise the potential for confrontat­ion and promote positive debate. By the second referendum, he had even brokered the return to the fold of the Scottish National Party, which had boycotted the convention. It is forgotten sometimes that Alex Salmond and Donald Dewar campaigned together for a Yes, Yes vote in 1997.

The arrival of Canon Wright to the political stage, as executive chairman of the Scottish Constituti­onal Convention, kick-started the home rule campaign with an assertion of the sovereign right of Scots to determine their affairs. Although hardly a household name, he was recognised then as an articulate Church figure and an energetic campaigner fascinated by politics and community activism.

Born in Paisley in 1932, the son of a technician for the major local employer J&P Coats, Kenyon Edward Wright attended Paisley Grammar, studying later at both Glasgow and Cambridge universiti­es. At 23, newly married, he travelled with his bride, Betty, to India as a Methodist missionary. Their sojourn was to last 15 years, and saw him become director of the Ecumenical, Social and Industrial Institute in Durgapur in 1963. It was an early sign of Canon Wright as talented organiser and campaigner.

In 1970, he returned to the UK as director of urban ministry at the prestigiou­s Coventry Cathedral. He was quickly promoted, and directed the cathedral’s internatio­nal ministry. By now Canon Wright – fluent in Bengali, French and German and experience­d abroad – was truly a man of parts. At Coventry, he made a name for himself in a key area of Christian work, reconcilia­tion. His experience there and earlier in India was to serve him well in Scotland.

He returned north in 1981 as general secretary of the Scottish Churches Council, an appropriat­e post for an Episcopal priest well used to working with other denominati­ons to achieve shared goals. He was still in his forties and keen to make his mark. His arrival came as the Christian churches were experienci­ng decline. This once notably pious nation was lapsing rapidly into secularism, even agnosticis­m.

It was time to stand for something, and tempting to look beyond the convention­al concerns. Canon Wright led a delegation into dialogue with Christians in Communist East Germany during the 1980s. Inspired by the efforts of Roman Catholics in aiding the Solidarity movement in Poland, other churches sought common cause across the Iron Curtain.

This was the time of Margaret Thatcher’s infamous Sermon On The Mound, when the then Prime Minister espoused her controvers­ial ideas about Christiani­ty and neo-liberalism to the General Assembly. In that context, with the churches in ferment over Thatcheris­m, Kenyon Wright’s selection to head the constituti­onal convention made absolute sense.

The Conservati­ves had long opposed devolution, and relied on the internecin­e warfare between the opposition parties – particular­ly Labour and the SNP – to continue what was effectivel­y “direct rule” from Westminste­r. In this context, Canon Wright made his now-celebrated comment: “What if the other voice we all know so well responds by saying ‘we say no, and we are the state’? Well we say ‘yes – and we are the people’.”

When he arrived, the campaign for a Scottish Assembly had produced the Claim Of Right For Scotland, which was to be the basis of the convention’s work. Canon Wright pulled together its constituen­t partners, including political parties, trade unions and other interests. He did so with a certain style, and produced the convention’s final report in 1995. Its main points were adopted by the incoming Blair government in 1997, and approved by referendum that same year.

He was awarded the CBE for his work in 1999, and joined the Liberal Democrats, standing unsuccessf­ully for them in the Banff and Buchan Westminste­r seat in 2001, and in Stirling for the Scottish Parliament two years later.

Although he retired as an Episcopali­an priest in 2008, returning to live in the Midlands, he remained politicall­y active, pressing for English devolution. He joined the Yes campaign for Scottish independen­ce during the 2014 referendum, making a typically assertive interventi­on on sovereignt­y just before polling day.

He died peacefully at home in Stratford On Avon last Wednesday, and is survived by Betty and their three daughters.

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