The Herald

Muirfield vote set to allow women members


GOLF club members at the former Open venue at Muirfield are expected to back allowing women to join the club when the result of a second vote is announced today.

The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers will have a second chance to approve the motion after a poll failed by 14 votes last May to open the 273-year-old East Lothian club up to women. Club rules require a two-thirds majority.

It led to the venue losing its place on the Open rota.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon had branded the decision to keep out women members “indefensib­le.”

A second vote was called for later in the year and proposals for a restructur­ing of the membership, with equal rights and access given to women, were circulated to current members.

“A substantia­l majority of our members voted for change and many have voiced their disappoint­ment with the ballot result and with subsequent events,” said Henry Fairweathe­r, the club captain, after announcing there would be a second ballot.

““The club committee believes a clear and decisive vote in favour of admitting women as members is required to enable us to begin the task of restoring the reputation of the club that has been damaged by the earlier ballot outcome.”

If there is a vote in favour of admitting women Muirfield is expected to be re-instated to the Open rota by the game’s ruling body, the Royal & Ancient. IN an article yesterday about a fundraisin­g event for the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice, comments by Ian Johnstone, who had raised more than £8,000 for the charity, were wrongly attributed. Rhona McLeod was also wrongly captioned in the accompanyi­ng photograph.

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