The Herald

Stop playing politics with future of the UK, says May


THERESA May has accused Nicola Sturgeon of playing politics with the future of Britain, saying the SNP’s “tunnel vision” on Scottish independen­ce was deeply regrettabl­e.

However, when asked, the Prime Minister and Downing Street refused to say whether or not she would facilitate a second poll, saying only there should not be one.

The UK Government is also concerned that the uncertaint­y caused by the threat of another referendum on Scotland’s future could seriously weaken Mrs May’s negotiatin­g strategy with Brussels.

A spokesman said: “Another referendum would be divisive and cause huge economic uncertaint­y at the worst possible time.”

This is a reference to the First Minister’s timeframe for a second vote; somewhere between the autumn of 2018 and the spring of 2019 when the Brexit talks could still be ongoing and reaching a critical stage.

One Whitehall source accused the First Minister of “huge irresponsi­bility” and claimed it was now clear she had simply used the Brexit process, which have included meetings of the Joint Ministeria­l Committee between the UK Government and the devolved administra­tions, to further the independen­ce cause.

“She has never been interested in working with the UK Government in delivering the best Brexit deal for Scotland and the whole of the UK,” he declared.

David Mundell, the Scottish Secretary, accused Ms Sturgeon of being driven by “ideology” and wanting to “see independen­ce at any price”. He called for her to backtrack even at this late hour and to “stop playing politics as if it was a game”.

This message was echoed by Mrs May, who said: “This is at a time when a majority of Scottish people don’t want a second independen­ce referendum.

“So, instead of playing politics with the future of our country, the Scottish Government should focus on delivering good government and public services for the people of Scotland. Politics is not a game.”

However, the Prime Minister refused to answer whether the UK Government would facilitate a second poll; to do so Westminste­r would have to transfer the power to Holyrood through a Section 30 Order.

Last month, Sir Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, was asked by The Herald about whether the UK Government would agreed to another Scottish poll in this parliament and he was clear, saying: “No, forget it.”

No.10 later said Sir Michael’s remark was “consistent with our position that it was settled in 2014”. But yesterday, Downing Street was more coy. When asked if Theresa May would sanction a second poll, her spokesman said: “We have said there shouldn’t be a second referendum. But as for the issue, it hasn’t gone through the Scottish Parliament yet...We are waiting for the Scottish Parliament to reach a decision.”

Ms Sturgeon has said it would be “inconceiva­ble” Westminste­r could vote down the call for another referendum if Holyrood voted for it; as is expected given the Nationalis­ts and Greens, who support one, would have a majority.

One option that has been considered within the corridors of power in Whitehall has been agreeing in principle to granting a Section 30 Order but introducin­g a so-called “sunrise clause,” so that a second poll could not take place until after all the Brexit talks are over. But, depending on how a conclusion to the Brexit talks is defined, this could rule out another vote until late 2019 or even after the 2020 General Election.

At Westminste­r, Jeremy Corbyn confirmed Labour’s intention to oppose a second referendum in the Scottish Parliament, but he made clear the Opposition would not seek to block it at Westminste­r if the idea was backed by Holyrood.

Tim Farron, the LibDem leader, said his party would oppose the bid for independen­ce and warned Ms Sturgeon: “The SNP are risking taking Scotland out of both the UK and out of the EU. Being outside both would be the worst of all worlds for Scotland.”

But Alex Salmond, the former first minister, said he had “absolutely no doubt there will be a resounding vote in favour of independen­ce” in a second referendum.

‘‘ Another referendum would be divisive and cause huge economic uncertaint­y at the worst possible time

 ??  ?? COY: Theresa May refuses to say if she will facilitate another vote.
COY: Theresa May refuses to say if she will facilitate another vote.

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