The Herald

Call for judge to oversee Brexit disputes


THE UK Government is braced for a series of constituti­onal clashes over the Great Repeal Bill as former first minister Jack McConnell suggested a judge should be appointed to rule over disputes between Holyrood and Downing Street to avoid a court battle.

A White Paper setting out the terms of the planned legislatio­n, to transfer EU law into UK law, will be published tomorrow. The forthcomin­g bill will set in place a legal framework to end the jurisdicti­on of the European court once the Brexit deal is agreed.

But given the legal transfer and the repatriati­on of powers from Brussels will cover devolved areas, then not only MPs but also MSPs will be called upon to scrutinise and implement the changes.

This, Whitehall insiders fear, will unleash a wave of cross-border disputes, exacerbate­d by the UK government’s staunch refusal to agree to the Scottish Government’s call for a second independen­ce referendum.

Senior Westminste­r sources made clear that Holyrood will be called upon to agree a number of so-called legislativ­e consent motions (LCMs) in various policy areas as the repeal bill goes through the Commons and Lords.

LCMs are the means by which the Scottish Parliament agrees to Westminste­r passing legislatio­n on devolved issues over which Edinburgh normally has legislativ­e authority.

Until now, Scottish Secretary David Mundell has said he “anticipate­d” there would be LCMs but Whitehall sources have now made clear that as EU legislatio­n is transferre­d into domestic law and more powers come back from Brussels, MSPs will be asked to grant approval for Westminste­r to legislate in certain areas that impact on the devolved settlement.

One source made clear the UK Government was bracing itself for a number of battles with Holyrood, noting: “We are expecting some constituti­onal bumps.”

Appearing before the Lords EU Committee, Lord McConnell spoke of the “polarisati­on” and “intransige­nce” of the two government­s’ positions, of the “claim and counter-claim” that would result from the Brussels negotiatio­ns and stressed how there had to be transparen­cy in the intergover­nmental relations, which would mean all papers had to be made public.

The former first minister explained that where there was a dispute, then there should be independen­t adjudicati­on by, say, a judge, rather than taking each constituti­onal disagreeme­nt to the UK Supreme Court.

“It should be possible through some sort of judicial appointmen­t or something of that sort to have at least an independen­t view where there’s a dispute over the allocation of powers as a result of repatriati­on from Brussels,” he said.

The Scottish peer also made clear that as well as LCMs, there would have to be separate legislatio­n at Holyrood to align EU law with Scottish law.

“The Great Repeal Bill can’t cover all of the devolved responsibi­lities;

‘‘ It should be possible to have an independen­t view where there’s a dispute over the allocation of powers

there will have to be a Great Repeal Bill in the Scottish Parliament as well and someone has to start working on that quickly,” he declared.

Lord McConnell argued that the debate on extra powers for Holyrood could come at another time and the focus should initially be on getting the right distributi­on of powers within the UK as a result of repatriati­on.

He added: “It’s possible to do all this if there is goodwill; I worry that the goodwill is already not there and if that’s the case, then that’s why transparen­cy is required.”

Meantime, it emerged that Brexit Secretary David Davis privately met Michael Russell, the Scottish Government minister involved in the intergover­nmental Brexit talks, on Monday in Birmingham. The talks were said to have been “cordial”.

The UK Government believes Ms Sturgeon’s pre-emptive move to call for a second independen­ce poll ahead of the triggering of Article 50 has unsettled the normal intergover­nmental process and Mr Davis could this week write privately to Mr Russell to set out the UK Government’s position on the main points of the Scottish Government’s Europe options paper, i.e. a rejection of them.

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