The Herald

Aikman wins posthumous award for his MND Fightback campaign


Campaigner Gordon Aikman died in February. MOTOR neurone disease activist Gordon Aikman has won a posthumous award for his campaignin­g work.

Mr Aikman died in February aged just 31 after being diagnosed with the condition in 2014.

He launched the Gordon’s Fightback campaign as he battled the condition, and helped raise more than £600,000 for MND Scotland to fund research into a cure.

The campaign has now won the people’s choice gong at the 2017 Scottish Charity Awards, which was decided by a public vote.

MND Scotland said that thanks to Mr Aikman, there are now double the number of NHS-funded MND nurses in Scotland, while he also helped secure patients who lose their voice a legal right to access speech equipment through the health service.

Organised by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisati­ons, the awards celebrate the life-changing work of charities, community groups and individual­s dedicated to making Scotland a better place to live.

Lawrence Cowan, chairman of MND Scotland, was a close friend of Mr Aikman’s and helped him co-ordinate the Fightback campaign.

He said: “It’s wonderful Gordon’s achievemen­ts have been celebrated with this award. What the Gordon’s Fightback campaign has achieved is remarkable.

“Patients with MND see their nurses more often and for longer thanks to the campaign. There are also more researcher­s in Scotland searching for a cure.

“I miss Gordon every day. Gordon and everyone going through this devastatin­g disease inspire us all to keep fighting back. That’s why MND Scotland will keep on transformi­ng care and funding a cure for this devastatin­g disease.”

Mr Aikman was just 29 and working as director of research for Better Together during the 2014 Scottish independen­ce referendum campaign when he was diagnosed.

Mr Aikman’s husband Joe Pike said: “I would love to have seen the expression on Gordon’s face as he was announced as the winner of this award.

“I would have loved to have heard the speech – the powerful speech – he would have given.”

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