The Herald

Scottish Labour in turmoil after leader Dugdale quits

Party chief denies leaving now to avoid being pushed out by Corbyn supporters


one of the most difficult times in the history of the Scottish Labour Party, and the party’s revival is now fully under way, with six new MPs and many more to come.

“I want to thank Kez for her tireless service to our party and movement, and look forward to campaignin­g with her in future for a country that works for the many not the few.”

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “We may be opponents, but Kezia led her party with guts and determinat­ion and I admired her for that. I wish her well for the future.”

Ms Dugdale insisted she was leaving the party in a much better state than she had found it.

In a letter announcing her resignatio­n, she said: “I choose to stand down because I believe it is best for me and best for Scottish Labour, at a time when we can be positive and optimistic about our future.”

She added: “Being leader has always been a difficult but fulfilling challenge. One that until now I have enjoyed, driven by a clear guiding purpose and goals, many of which I have achieved.

“I am proud of the fact I’ve demonstrat­ed how the parliament’s powers can be used to stop austerity with progressiv­e taxes and the creation of new benefits.

“Proud to have advanced the call for federalism across the UK. Proud to have delivered real autonomy for the Scottish Labour Party and a guaranteed voice for Scotland and Wales on the NEC (National Executive Committee).

“A marker of success for me was to leave as leader with the party in better shape than I found it and I have done that.”

She also referenced the death of her friend and MND campaigner, Gordon Aikman, as leading her to readdress her role as party leader.

She said: “Earlier this year I lost a dear friend who taught me a lot about how to live.

“His terminal illness forced him to identify what he really wanted from life, how to make the most of it and how to make a difference. He taught me how precious and short life was and never to waste a moment.”

Kezia Dugdale said the Scottish Labour Party needed a leader with ‘fresh energy, drive and a new mandate’.

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