The Herald

LibDems vow to block potential ‘power-grab’ to fight hard Brexit



fact we have got various pieces of legislatio­n already, we have already been getting business through.

“We have a working majority in Parliament and it’s important that working majority is covered in all the aspects of work Parliament does.”

It came as Damian Green, the First Secretary of State, said the intergover­nmental Joint Ministeria­l Committee would reconvene in the autumn.

Opposition parties had complained that there had been no JMC, which involves the UK, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Government­s, since February.

Whitehall sources said the deadlock over the resumption of Stormont had been to blame.

Last night, Mrs May was accused of underminin­g democracy with the attempt to take control of key Commons committees despite the Tories losing their majority at the General Election.

Downing Street said the issue of securing majorities on the parliament­ary committees did not form part of the Conservati­ves-DUP deal, which gives Mrs May’s minority Government a working majority of 13 in the Commons.

A spokeswoma­n stressed the Government’s motion, due to be voted on on Tuesday, was a “common sense” move.

She explained: “In practical terms, the Government’s working majority at second reading, report stage and third reading will be at odds with the Opposition’s majority at committee stage.

“From our perspectiv­e, this could mean the Government is forced to reverse the amendments made by a handful of opposition MPs at committee stage, through multiple divisions involving hundreds of members. The effect of this would be unacceptab­le delays.”

But the Liberal Democrats will put down an amendment to reverse the Government’s proposed changes to the scrutiny committees and keep the current procedure, in which the political make-up of committees reflects Parliament as a whole.

“Eroding democratic institutio­ns and rigging the rules in your favour is something we’d expect from a banana republic, not a Conservati­ve Government,” said Sir Vince.

“Theresa May promised to act with humility and listen to the message sent by the British people after she lost her majority. It is now up to MPs to hold her to that promise and prevent this shameful power grab,” he added.

Jeremy Corbyn insisted: “The Conservati­ves didn’t win the election.

“They are the largest party, they don’t have an overall majority in Parliament.

“We’re a Parliament, a hung Parliament, and the committees should reflect that and there should be no overall Government majority on the committees.”

The SNP’s Patrick Grady said: “Theresa May called the election and she has to respect the result. We are a Parliament of minorities.”

Hillary Clinton will be at two book festivals.

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