The Herald

Killer told to ‘rot in hell’ by grieving mother of tragic celebrity minder


THE mother of a celebrity minder who was hacked to death by a machetewie­lding thug told him

“rot in hell” as he was jailed for 14 years.

Ricky Hayden, 27, was wearing just a pair of boxer shorts when he rushed outside his home after spotting two youths on a moped eyeing up his brother’s scooter.

Even though he was unarmed, Tommy Roome, then 19, produced the large knife he habitually carried and stabbed him in front of numerous eyewitness­es.

A jury cleared Roome of murder and convicted him of the lesser offence of manslaught­er, prompting an outcry from Mr Hayden’s family and friends, who came to court waving banners and placards.

A second defendant, Tarrell Hinds, 20, was found not guilty of all

Celebrity minder Ricky Hayden was fatally stabbed.

charges following the Old Bailey trial.

Sentencing Roome to a further five years on extended licence, Judge Philip Katz, QC, said he respected the verdicts but added he had come within a “hair’s breadth” of committing murder.

Mr Hayden’s loved ones

clapped and shouted “yes” as an impassive Roome, now 20, was sent down.

Outside court, the victim’s mother Suzanne Hedges said he could “rot in hell”.

His father, Paul Hayden, said: “We have got to get these knives off the streets. My son died for nothing.”

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