The Herald

Widow backs Frank’s Law fast-track call to implement free care next year



Amanda Kopel at her home earlier this week.

I’m delighted that finally common sense has prevailed and Frank’s Law will be delivered.

“However, to be told it will be April 2019 is really no good for the under-65s who desperatel­y need help now.

“Time is so very precious to them, and they don’t have it on their side.

“Sadly, a lot of them will not be here in 2019, so it’s imperative the

date is brought forward.” Mr Briggs called on the Scottish Government to take action to ensure the new law can be implemente­d by April 2018.

He said: “While the belated decision to commit to introducin­g Frank’s Law is welcome, I am very concerned the extension of free personal care will not come into force and be a reality for families until April 2019. For too many people in Scotland, Frank’s Law is needed today and was needed yesterday.

“A delay of more than 18 months just isn’t good enough.”

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “The introducti­on of free personal care for everyone who requires it, regardless of age, will help thousands of families across Scotland.

“At least 9,000 people will benefit from this change and we will work to bring about these changes by April 2019 so that all those who require personal care are able to access it. This will include assessment processes to separate personal and non-personal care, and putting the necessary legislativ­e and guidance changes in place. Perhaps most importantl­y, working with local government and others to build up care capacity of properly qualified staff, so that no-one who is currently receiving care sees that diminished.”

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