The Herald

Book is returned to library 36 years late


LIBRARY staff have been left stunned after a book was finally returned – 36 years late.

However, the unnamed woman who finally returned Highland Folk Ways will not be hit in the pocket as the facility does not issue fines.

The 1961 copy of the book by IF Grant was borrowed in October 1981 and has been reunited with the library following a house clearance.

Karen Fraser, executive manager of library services in Lerwick, Shetland, said the book is “well thumbed” but in good nick.

Senior library assistant Catherine Jeromson said the customer was a little embarrasse­d and had not realised she still had it.

“It’s really good that customers are honest and bring the books back,” Mrs Jeromson said.

“If anybody’s too embarrasse­d to say to our face, ‘I’m really sorry I’ve had this for 30-odd years,’ they can put it in the returns bin outside.” A CENTRE to help people combat loneliness and social isolation has closed, because not enough people used it.

The Dunbar centre pop-in opened six years ago in Inverness in a bid to counter the impact of Highland Council spending cutbacks on older people.

One of its main roles has been to tackle loneliness and social isolation.

But as it closed its doors yesterday, various factors were cited,

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