The Herald

Why are we so easily conned?


HAS the whole of the western world gone mad, or am I just getting (even more) old and grumpy? What started off as the celebratio­n of the birth of an obscure child to a poor family in the Middle East, and the appearance of three old men bringing gifts for the baby, has now been turned into a massive commercial money-making exercise and entertainm­ent, almost totally obscuring what Christmas is actually meant to be about.

Throughout December almost everyone has been flocking to high street stores, spending vast sums of money that many families can ill-afford, to buy grossly-expensive presents for their children, friends and relatives. The kids play incessantl­y with their new TV and computer games for a few days and then quickly forget about them, while adults put away their un-needed gifts in cupboards and seldom wear or use them.

Meantime on TV for several weeks we are deeved with “Christmas special programmes” which are usually rubbish and not worth watching, while radios submit us to little except an incessant background of familiar Christmas carols until we are shouting at the set to shut up and give us some peace.

Of course businesses will always welcome opportunit­ies to increase sales and make more money, but why is the whole population so easily conned? And in the mad rush how many stop to think, or even are aware of, what Christmas is supposed to be about? Or is my wife right that I am just becoming an even more “grumpy old man”?

Iain AD Mann,

7 Kelvin Court, Glasgow.

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