The Herald

Corbyn vows to invest in every part of nation and end ‘blight’


JEREMY Corbyn has pledged to invest in every part of Scotland – from “Saltcoats to Selkirk and Stornoway” – if he gains power.

The Labour leader made the pledge as he travelled north for the second time since fellow left-winger Richard Leonard took control of the Scottish party.

It comes as divisions continue to show in his party over Brexit, with a row also erupting over racist and homophobic remarks made by a Scots MP.

Hugh Gaffney apologised last week for using the word “chinky” and joking that Robert Burns was not “bent” during a Burns Supper – but critics have slammed party bosses for failing to suspend him.

Mr Corbyn will embark on a series of campaign stops in Selkirk, Midlothian and North Ayrshire over the course of this week.

He said: “Our economy is broken. It is failing people right across Scotland, forcing 260,000 children into poverty, while more and more people in work are unable to make ends meet. These problems blight every community in Scotland – from Saltcoats to Selkirk and Stornoway we urgently need to transform a rigged system.

“The Tories serve the few, with tax cuts for the richest and falling pay and cuts in public services for the rest of us. The SNP are too timid to take on the elite who are holding our people back.”

Mr Leonard said the impact of austerity “isn’t confined to the Central Belt of Scotland and neither will Labour’s response to it be”, adding: “Labour’s plan to protect public services, boost wages and tackle inequality will benefit everyone.”

SHAMED Scottish Labour MP Hugh Gaffney should “consider his position” after he admitted making racist and homophobic remarks, a senior politician has said.

SNP Transport Minister Humza Yousaf said Mr Gaffney should “at the very least” face suspension after an offensive speech he made at a Burns Supper.

During the event at Edinburgh University, Mr Gaffney made reference to a “chinky” takeaway meal and joked about Robert Burns not being “bent”.

The MP for Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill has since apologised, with Scottish Labour insisting it has a “zero tolerance approach to racism”.

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