The Herald

Scotland gets ready for a Russian backlash on whisky sales


SCOTLAND is bracing itself for a Kremlin backlash amid fears for the future of whisky exports to Russia.

Theresa May is today expected to outline economic or other sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s regime after the poisonings of Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury.

The Prime Minister’s moves are likely to provoke tit-for-tat reprisals from Russia, where politician­s last year were calling for a ban on Scotch and gin.

Whisky sources stress it is too soon to panic and industry leaders are understood to be watching developmen­ts closely. Veteran distilling expert Billy Walker said: “Anything of this kind is of concern. It upsets the equilibriu­m.”

The last round of sanctions against the Putin Kremlin hit the whisky industry as the rouble fell and Russians turned back to vodka. However, sales in Russia have since bounced back thanks to a weaker pound.

The SNP has backed Mrs May over Russia, with a senior party figure even suggesting the police should quiz Mr Putin’s emissary in Edinburgh.

Britain’s response to the Salisbury nerve agent poisoning may include a crackdown on Kremlin TV stations such as RT, where former first minister Alex Salmond has a controvers­ial show.

Russia will refuse to meet Mrs May’s midnight deadline unless Britain agrees to send Moscow samples of the nerve agent used to Mr Skripal.

The country’s embassy in the UK warned the threat of sanctions would “meet a response”.

It comes as President Donald Trump told Mrs May in a phone call the US was “with the UK all the way”.

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