The Herald

No proof overseas staff drive down pay


CLAIMS that immigratio­n undercuts wages “flies in the face of the evidence”, one of the UK’S top economists has said.

Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, principal of the University of Glasgow, said there was nothing to support fears overseas workers drive down pay.

It comes just days after UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was criticised for insisting his Brexit vision must include barriers to stop employers “importing cheap agency labour”.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon accused him of echoing former Ukip leader Nigel Farage, and senior figures in his own party also condemned the remarks.

Sir Anton told Holyrood’s Economy Committee: “There’s absolutely no evidence and to suggest that there is an impact frankly flies in the face of the evidence.”

He was one of a series of experts to warn leaving the European single market after Brexit would be a “disaster” for Scotland’s economy.

He added: “Unless we are members of the single market, I do think most of the analysis I’ve seen suggests that would be pretty disastrous in terms of GDP loss.

“Being part of the single market is absolutely critical to the economic future of Scotland.”

Both Labour and the Conservati­ve Government insist the UK needs to leave the single market.

SNP MSP Gordon Macdonald insisted a “Tory hard Brexit” would be disastrous for Scottish jobs and the economy.

He added: “We know how much immigrants contribute to our economy and society.”

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