The Herald

The time is perfect to start preparing your lawn for the summer months

- Hannah Stephenson

THE ground may be hard at the moment but, once the weather warms up a bit and you can get your fork into it, it’ll be time to get the lawn shipshape for summer.

Here are some basic steps you can take to help your lawn recover from the depths of winter.

1 Scarify

The best way to get rid of the rubbish is to scarify the lawn with a springtime rake to remove moss, thatch (dead grass below the living shoots), and any other debris smothering the grass. This will let in much-needed light and oxygen, promoting better growth.

2 Aerate the lawn

Getting oxygen down into the soil, improving drainage so your lawn doesn’t become waterlogge­d, and reducing compaction can all be achieved by aerating your lawn. To do this, you can either drive a garden fork into patches of your lawn which have particular­ly poor drainage, working it backwards and forwards to enlarge the holes, which should be at about 15cm intervals. Alternativ­ely, use spiked shoes made for lawn drainage.

Once you’ve made your holes, brush in sharp sand, which will improve drainage.

3 Feed the grass

Feed the grass with lawn fertiliser available at most garden centres. Some lawn dressings incorporat­e a slow-release fertiliser but if this isn’t the case, add a little amount of general lawn fertiliser (not containing weed or moss killer) before applying it. A few weeks later, if your lawn is still patchy, oversow it lightly with a quality lawn seed.

4 Get rid of lumps and bumps

If you’ve got bumps in your lawn likely to be scalped by the mower, or unsightly dips that are a nuisance underfoot, rectify the uneven areas by cutting out the turf over the area and adding or taking away soil underneath. Lift enough to cover the area plus an overlap, remove the lump or fill the hollow and then replace the turf.

5 Repair lawn edges

If you have a damaged lawn edge, first cut out a rectangle of turf incorporat­ing the affected grass with a half-moon edger, using a straight edge such as a plank of wood as a guide. Then turn the turf around so the damaged edge is nearer the middle of the lawn. The gap created by the jagged edge, which is now further into the lawn, should be filled with garden soil, sifted to a fine tilth. Then you need to firm and level it to make sure it is flush with the surroundin­g grass.

Sow grass seed on top, water well, and cover the hole with clear plastic sheeting until the seeds have germinated.

6 Know when to mow

Mowing should not be done when the grass is wet or frozen. Wait until the grass is actively growing, when the weather has warmed up. When the grass is about 8cm high, you can cut it for the first time. Make sure the mower blades are sharp and set them high – and don’t leave your clippings on the lawn in spring.

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