The Herald

Why you should never say no to a nap


HOW rude. One would not barge into a retirement home with a loud hailer and demand that everyone desist immediatel­y from napping. Yet that is what happened this week in the Lords, the democratic institutio­n that is to retirement homes what Fortnum and Mason is to the corner shop.

To be fair, Lord Taylor of Holbeach, the Government’s chief whip in the second chamber, sent a memo, but he might as well have made with a bullhorn and told the aged peers to come out because they were surrounded.

“In recent months,” he wrote, “a departure from the normally high standards of conduct, for which the House is noted, has been observed.” Among the sins was “members falling asleep in the chamber”.

Labour and Liberal Democrat whips were meant to be sending out their own etiquette guides, but it soon became clear there was a split in the ranks.

“Sometimes they really are closing their eyes,” said a source. “Others are leaning into the monitor to hear more closely and it looks like they’ve keeled over.”

Immediatel­y, a fault line wider than Brexit appeared in British politics. Would you support a political party that frowned on napping? I thought so. Napping is one of life’s great pleasures, and by far the most fun you can have with your clothes on (unless you are popping bubble wrap while eating a selection box; that’s not too shabby either).

Winston Churchill could not have fought a war without naps, saying: “Nature has not intended mankind to work from eight in the morning until midnight without that refreshmen­t of blessed oblivion which, even if it only lasts 20 minutes, is sufficient to renew all the vital forces.” Other great nappers included Napoleon and LBJ.

Apart from Huffington Post co-founder Arianna Huffington, who wrote a book on the importance of rest, The Sleep Revolution, notable women nappers are about as rare as a parking space at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow. Facebook high heid yin Sheryl Sandberg famously advised women to “lean in”, not “drop off”. Such is the power of napping, however, it is hard to believe that high-achieving women do not partake of 40 winks now and then.

Companies have woken up to the benefits of napping. Ben & Jerry’s being discovered. Don’t be that person.

The travel nap is a retro activity, given what a waking nightmare any form of travel is today. Trains offer the best chance, but listen out for the bonce-bashing trolley coming down the aisle.

Next, the sick room nap. Every fair-sized company has a sick room, but have you ever used it? Just think of that poor little bed, lying in there all alone. Is it calling your name? Always give way to an actual sick person if required (though ask for a doctor’s note just to be sure; nappers are sneaky sorts).

The disco nap, contrary to its name, is not the sole preserve of clubbers. A kip prior to going to Dobbies can ensure your afternoon tea date goes with a swing.

The meeting nap is another tricky one, not to be practised by anyone unskilled in the ancient art of sleeping while having one’s eyes open. Always be on guard for telltale signs such as drooling, laughing, and having that dream where you are telling your line manager exactly what you think of them.

Finally, there is the “just resting my eyes for a minute” nap, as practised by Scottish mothers down the ages. If you are a child in the vicinity, please be aware that mothers may look fast asleep but, like a resting T-rex in Jurassic Park, they can suddenly open one eye and immediatel­y be in chase mode.

Sweet dreams.

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