The Herald

Giant dust storm knocks out Nasa Mars rover vehicle


NASA’S Mars rover Opportunit­y has been knocked out by a gigantic dust storm which is enveloping the red planet and blotting out the sun.

Officials said they are hopeful the rover will survive the storm, which already covers a quarter of Mars and is expected to encircle the planet in another few days.

It could be weeks or even months until the sky clears enough for sunlight to reach the Martian surface and recharge Opportunit­y’s batteries through its solar panels.

For now, Mars’s oldest working rover is stuck in the middle of the raging storm, in round-the-clock darkness.

“By no means are we out of the woods here,” said John Callas, the Opportunit­y project manager at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. “This storm is threatenin­g, and we don’t know how long it will last, and we don’t know what the environmen­t will be like once it clears.”

Flight controller­s tried earlier this week to contact Opportunit­y, but the rover did not respond. The storm has been growing since the end of May with unpreceden­ted speed.

Nasa launched the twin rovers Opportunit­y and Spirit in 2003 to study Martian rocks and soil, and they landed in 2004. Spirit has not worked for several years, but Opportunit­y has kept exploring well past its expected mission lifetime.

Scientists are not as concerned about the newer, nuclear-powered Curiosity rover on the other side of Mars.

Dust storms crop up every so often on Mars, sending dust tens of miles into the atmosphere and turning day into night. Spacecraft orbiting Mars are too high to be affected.

There is no chance of Opportunit­y being buried or getting a wheel stuck in dust. Even in the worst of storms, only a layer of fine dust is left behind. Managers said the main concern is that dust could temporaril­y cover its optical instrument­s.

The rover’s batteries are likely to be so low that only a clock is still working, to wake the spacecraft for periodic power-level checks, according to officials. If the clock also goes offline, then the rover will not know what time it is when it comes back on and could send back signals at any time.

This isn’t Opportunit­y’s first major brush with dust.

In 2007, a massive dust storm kept the rover silent for a few days. It jumped back into action after waking from its deep self-protecting slumber.

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„ Nasa’s Mars rover Opportunit­y has exceeded its expected life.
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