The Herald

Zimbabwe capital hit by rioting over vote result delays


RIOTING erupted in Zimbabwe’s capital last night as opposition supporters clashed with police and army troops over delays in announcing results from the presidenti­al election.

The security forces opened fire with guns, water cannons and tear gas, and protesters burned cars and threw rocks as helicopter­s hovered above Harare.

A lifeless body was seen near the demonstrat­ion, which came amid the delay in revealing the result of the country’s first presidenti­al election since the fall of longtime leader Robert Mugabe. Armoured personnel carriers ferried troops and riot police to the scene.

Dark smoke rose near the offices of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission where protesters burned tyres and vehicles.

The commission postponed announcing results of Monday’s tightly fought presidenti­al race, pitting President Emmerson Mnangagwa against opposition leader Nelson Chamisa.

The commission said it would release vote totals “some time” today, even though it said most of the results “are here with us”.

Agents for all 23 candidates must verify them first, it said.

The ruling Zanu-pf party won a majority of seats in parliament, the electoral commission said.

The opposition has alleged irregulari­ties, saying voting results were not posted outside one-fifth of polling stations as required by law.

Mr Mnangagwa’s government has accused Mr Chamisa and his supporters of inciting violence by declaring he had won. “Let me also warn such individual­s and groups that no-one is above the law,” home affairs minister Obert Mpofu said.

The violence was an unnerving reminder of the tensions that pervade the southern African nation, debilitate­d by Mr Mugabe’s long, repressive rule.

Mr Mnangagwa, a former deputy president who fell out with Mr Mugabe and then took over from him, has said his showing in the election was “extremely positive” while urging people to wait for official results.

Mr Chamisa, a lawyer and pastor who leads the opposition Movement for Democratic Change party, has claimed victory based on results supporters said they collected from agents in the field. “We won the popular vote & will defend it!” Mr Chamisa tweeted.

 ??  ?? „ Police confront opposition supporters in Harare.
„ Police confront opposition supporters in Harare.

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