The Herald

Trial of pair on fox-hunting charges offers test to controvers­ial legislatio­n


SCOTLAND’S fox-hunting legislatio­n is set to face a major test with the prosecutio­n of two leading huntsmen.

Timothy Allen, 40, and 28-year-old Shaun Anderson, of the Buccleuch Hunt in the Borders, have been charged with hunting a fox with a pack of dogs.

The offence is alleged to have been committed on land surroundin­g Whitton Farm, near Morebattle, Roxburghsh­ire, on December 20.

Both men, who live at Eildon, near Melrose, pleaded not guilty at Jedburgh Sheriff Court last week and three days have been set aside for a trial, starting on October 8.

It will be the latest challenge to the Protection of Wild Mammals Act 2002, which was subject to a review by Lord Bonomy, who made a number of recommenda­tions for changes.

The main purpose of the Act is to ban the deployment of dogs to chase and kill wild mammals. However, it also provides a number of exceptions that allow the limited use of dogs for certain situations.

In June, John Clive Richardson, 67, and his 24-year-old son Johnny Riley became the first members of a mounted hunt to be successful­ly prosecuted since the Act was introduced in Scotland.

The Jedforest Hunt members, who were filmed by investigat­ors from the League Against Cruel Sports, were fined a total of £650 at Selkirk Sheriff Court.

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