The Herald

BMA says 3% pay rise will not solve doctors shortage


A PAY deal giving some doctors a three per cent wage rise will have very little impact on the challenges facing the profession, medical leaders have warned.

The British Medical Associatio­n (BMA) in Scotland was speaking after ministers announced salaried doctors and dentists earning less than £80,000 a year will receive a 3% rise in 201819, backdated to April 1 2018.

Independen­t contractor GPS will also get a 3% rise, compared to the 2% deal south of the Border.

But any increase in pay for salaried doctors and dentists earning more than £80,000 will be capped at £1,600 – something BMA Scotland chair Peter Bennie branded “extremely disappoint­ing”.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman insisted staff are getting “fair pay increases”. She said: “Scotland’s health service is founded on the incredible contributi­on of its staff and this agreement recognises the role played by our doctors and dentists.

“This pay increase will be backdated to April 1 – something that is not happening in England. It follows our minimum 9% rise for NHS Agenda for Change employees over the next three years – which will give those 147,000 employees the best pay conditions in the UK.

“By offering fair pay increases we can help to support recruitmen­t and retention of staff, encouragin­g health profession­als to build their careers in Scotland’s NHS.”

But Dr Bennie said the health service is already facing “significan­t shortages of doctors” because of problems with the recruitmen­t and retention of staff, adding doctors had suffered “real terms reductions in pay rates of around 20% over the last 10 years across the profession”.

“It is extremely disappoint­ing and a cause of serious concern that consultant­s, who lead the front line delivery of medical care in hospitals, have been singled out for a significan­tly lower pay award.

“Indeed, apart from junior doctors, all sections of the profession have effectivel­y received an award below the independen­t recommenda­tions of the pay review body, which is simply not good enough.

“Everything possible should be being done to make doctors feel valued and ensure that working in Scotland is as attractive as possible across all stages of a doctor’s career. We have all seen the effects that an understaff­ed system which struggles to recruit and then retain doctors at all stages of their career has.”

 ??  ?? „ Dr Peter Bennie branded the pay deal ‘extremely disappoint­ing’.
„ Dr Peter Bennie branded the pay deal ‘extremely disappoint­ing’.

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